
Nutrition Consultation- This one-on-one assessment will begin by reviewing your current eating habits and nutrition goals.  Whether you want to lower your cholesterol, increase your fiber intake or simply eat healthier, you will leave with tips for shopping, cooking, dining out and menu planning that will empower you with the knowledge you need.

Nutrition Analysis- Nutrition analysis will show the nutritional content of food and food products you consume.  After keeping a 3-day diet diary, the diet will be analyzed by all the nutrients and compared to recommendations.

Cooking Demonstration/Class- Learn how to prepare some delicious recipes that are fresh, healthy and low in salt and fat but still full of flavor.  This can be 1:1 or with a group.

Pantry Makeover- Together we will transform your pantry into one that will provide you with the nutrition and ingredients you need.  This includes a purging of items in both your pantry and refrigerator and then going through the healthy staples needed.  We will also go over nutrition labels, menu planning and grocery lists so you are prepared to stock up on healthy foods. 

Supermarket Tour- This interactive field trip will give you the insight and nutrition education you need to be a health conscious and savvy shopper!  Discussions with include the store layout, nutrition labels, healthy meal planning and snacking, along with shopping skills that will ensure you are making better choices and getting more bang for your buck!